Monday, December 01, 2008

from the gnostic gospel of st. thomas

Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you [will] kill you." - from the gnostic gospel of st. thomas

i've been identifying with that quote for years, but more and more, lately, it really calls out to me... and hits home! for me, it relates to the spirit - and by that i mean the creative spirit. like knowing that you are supposed to be making ART -coming from a place deep within yourself- and yet you somehow get trapped into a commercial money making cycle where you are not only NOT doing "the work" you should be 'bringing forth', but what work you're doing is empty and killing you... spiritually! now can i get an amen, or what?

[c] 2008 doug duffey